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Hingham pantry box
Hingham pantry box
Hingham pantry box
Hingham pantry box
Hingham pantry box
Hingham pantry box

Hingham pantry box stamped "CH" (Cotton Hersey 1792-1881.  From the 17th to the 19th centuries, Hingham, also called “Bucket Town”, was known for its distinctive boxes, buckets, and other woodenware.  Hingham pantry boxes are recognized by their opposing lapped fingers on the lid and body. This small oval box is in the original windsor green paint. It looks like someone touched the lid before the paint was entirely dry.  Oops!  Fingerprints!  Held together with copper tacks and wooden pegs.  It is stamped on the lid "CH" for Cotton Hersey.  This box is in excellent original condition.  Dimensions:  5.25" x 4.75" x 2".

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